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Jim Hoy Entertained Audience of 40+ People Monday Night

Do you know the difference between a legend, a folktale, and a myth? Jim Hoy entertained an audience of about 45 people with stories of each. The Greenwood County Historical Society hosted the event on Monday, September 30 as a revival of the 5th Monday program series. Mr. Hoy explained a legend was a bit of history based on an event and retold many times, such as that of Bill Picket, a black cowboy who originated rodeo steer wrestling in a very unusual way. A folk tale is a story told and retold over years, usually orally, to teach history or social behavior. A myth is a traditional story told to explain natural of social happenings, such as “rain follows the plow”.

The program was possible through a grant from Humanities Kansas, an independent nonprofit offering leadership for community empowerment. Dr. Jim Hoy is somewhat of a Flint Hills legend himself, a well-known lecturer on the folklife of ranching and author of 17 books and over 150 articles. He has been a faculty member of Emporia State University and a lifelong resident of the Flint Hills.